GDPR Training for employees and tech teams
Through in-house training sessions, webinars and customization for your organization, we engage your teams in a meaningful and motivating way in GDPR topics.
GDPR training for you and your colleagues.
Carrying out and documenting GDPR training is an integral part of your compliance effort. As data flows undergo natural changes linked to staff mobility, tool updates, product and service releases, updated training becomes a necessity. A collective approach leverages the development of shared vocabulary and understanding, which increases the ability for teams to engage in constructive product and process decisions. Most importantly, GDPR training effectively reduces your company’s exposure to mistakes made by untrained employees, which could lead to incidents and breaches and… hefty GDPR fines.

Delivery formats
The most effective way to learn is through an in-person session that is both highly educative, relevant and interesting for you and your colleagues. We train all your staff, from interns to C-suite. Our training can be generic to cater for a mixed team or made specific to cater for defined team needs, including tech, sales & marketing, HR, customer support, with a particular focus on best practices. We typically arrange multiple sessions to minimize disruptions to your organization, to allow for content to be tailored to the audience and to maximize engagement. We also arrange for live webinar sessions. This best suits remote teams working across different time zones.
Each training session (online or in-person) runs for between 1,5 and 2 hours and includes a Q&A. Best practice calls for annual training sessions and onboarding training for new joiners. No matter the format and frequency, compliance benefit from records of training attendance, we provide at the end of the sessions.
Customized GDPR training
Retention of training material and participation is far greater when the content is relevant. This is why we offer to customize our training content. Building off our standard and proven training program, we customize up to 30% to reflect actual work situations, particular challenges and processes and systems used within your organization. In highly specialized industries, as well as for teams over 100 persons, this is highly recommended. We’ll happily guide you on the type of information needed to optimize customization.
Where you have engaged us as part of your GDPR compliance kick-start program, the investment for customization is particularly low as training typically benefits from our acute understanding of your particular situation and challenges.