
Data protection digest 5-19 Jul 2024: LLMs and personal data, social media monitoring, differential privacy

In this issue we highlight SOCMINT as a new standardised procedure, data processing in LLMs and supported AI systems, an updated standard data protection model, third-party tracking technologies in health and care, and much more. Stay up to date! Sign up to receive our fortnightly digest via email. LLMs and personal data The Hamburg Data […]

Data protection digest 18 Jun – 2 Jul 2024: end-to-end algorithmic audit, DPOs for small business, Vinted fine

In this issue we look at an end-to-end algorithmic audit, Vinted multimillion fine, Meta and Apple AI projects frozen in the EU, the fight against addictive feeds to minors in the US, and the Avanza Bank and Meta Pixel error case. Stay up to date! Sign up to receive our fortnightly digest via email. End-to-end […]

Does Server Location Really Matter Under GDPR? Understanding Data Localization in the Context of Data Protection Compliance

Many organizations wonder, “Does server location really matter under GDPR?”. This question arises from the complex landscape of data protection regulations. There is often a strong emphasis on the importance of the location of user data. However, in the context of the GDPR, data localization is not as important as many people think. Based on […]

Data protection digest 3 – 17 Jun 2024: software testing, email management, affordable data security

In this issue: security-focused software testing to find unexpected functionalities in recently developed applications; email management and metadata in the work context; Wikipedia must abide by the GDPR; and London hospitals suffer ransom attacks. Stay up to date! Sign up to receive our fortnightly digest via email. Software testing To help businesses and authorities address […]

Data protection digest 18 May – 2 Jun 2024: decentralised clinical research, Meta’s new virtual assistant

In this issue, the personal data lifecycle in decentralised clinical research, Meta’s new AI chatbot, protections for organisations against data scraping, failed backup testing and spreadsheet error real examples, and much more. Stay up to date! Sign up to receive our fortnightly digest via email. Decentralised clinical research To support sponsors in designing their decentralised […]

Data Privacy in Electric Vehicle Charging: ISO 15118 and GDPR

As electric vehicles (EVs) become more prevalent, the standards governing their communication and charging infrastructure grow increasingly crucial. One such standard is ISO 15118, which facilitates vehicle-to-grid (V2G) communication interfaces. While ISO 15118 brings significant advancements in terms of efficiency and user experience, it also raises important questions regarding privacy and data protection, especially in […]

Data protection digest 3 – 17 May 2024: Wi-Fi tracking, exam monitoring, data theft and extortion

In this issue, we explore the privacy implications of emerging technologies in commerce, education, industries and the workplace, such as Wi-Fi tracking, content moderation and algorithmic management. Stay up to date! Sign up to receive our fortnightly digest via email. Wi-Fi tracking The Spanish data protection regulator AEPD has published guidelines for personal data processing […]

Data protection digest 18 Apr – 02 May 2024: EU-US redress mechanism and European Health Data Space taking shape

As part of the new EU-US redress mechanism, data subjects in the EU/EEA will have access to specific complaint forms in the event that they suspect violations regarding their data transferred to the US, whether related to commerce or unlawful access to it by signals intelligence activities. Stay tuned! Sign up to receive our fortnightly […]

Data protection digest 3 – 17 Apr 2024: non-material damage dilemma when losing control of your data

In this issue, an alternative to the pay or okay consent model, the right for compensation for non-material damage, FISA reauthorisation and GDPR enforcement procedural rules updates, AI development and personal data… Stay tuned! Sign up to receive our fortnightly digest via email. Non-material damage under the GDPR In one of its recent decisions the […]

Data protection digest 18 Mar – 02 Apr 2024: AI and DP standardisation, patient medical data, human factor in data security

The need for AI and data protection standardisation, best practices on customer and employee data protection, rules on restricted cross-border data transfers, tips for DPOs, CISOs, IT specialists, and much more in our latest digest. Stay tuned! Sign up to receive our fortnightly digest via email. AI and data protection standardisation The French CNIL elaborates […]

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