Tag: audits

Data protection digest 18 Jun – 2 Jul 2024: end-to-end algorithmic audit, DPOs for small business, Vinted fine

In this issue we look at an end-to-end algorithmic audit, Vinted multimillion fine, Meta and Apple AI projects frozen in the EU, the fight against addictive feeds to minors in the US, and the Avanza Bank and Meta Pixel error case. Stay up to date! Sign up to receive our fortnightly digest via email. End-to-end […]

Weekly digest Dec 27 – Jan 2, 2022: Intelligent transport, Oracle and Salesforce court victory, the death of Blackberry, fan tokens

TechGDPR’s review of international data-related stories from press and analytical reports. Legal processes and redress: EU Intelligent transport, Oracle and Salesforce court victory, discriminating AI in DC, privacy in Ukraine The European Commission revised its Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Directive to advance smart mobility. The aim is to stimulate the faster deployment of new, intelligent […]

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