Tag: personal data

Hardware identifiers: Is an IMEI number personal data?

Elements of personal data With the introduction of the GDPR in 2018, data protection has become a popular topic both from a legal and technical perspective. The importance of efforts around privacy and data protection is personal data and its protection. Under the EU GDPR, there are key elements in the definition of personal data.  […]

HIPAA, the GDPR and MedTech

There are different regulations on how medical data can be processed and stored in different nations. If your company operates in the MedTech sector in the Western world most likely you have at least heard of HIPAA or the GDPR. This article aims at analysing how both legislations relate to healthcare. The article is particularly […]

What is the difference between personally identifiable information (PII) and personal data?

When organisations seek to protect their user’s data, it is necessary that they understand the data they need to safeguard. Personal data, in the context of GDPR, covers a much wider range of information than personally identifiable information (PII), commonly used in North America. In other words, while all PII is considered personal data, not all […]

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