Tag: International transfers

Does Server Location Really Matter Under GDPR? Understanding Data Localization in the Context of Data Protection Compliance

Many organizations wonder, “Does server location really matter under GDPR?”. This question arises from the complex landscape of data protection regulations. There is often a strong emphasis on the importance of the location of user data. However, in the context of the GDPR, data localization is not as important as many people think. Based on […]

Data protection digest 18 Mar – 02 Apr 2024: AI and DP standardisation, patient medical data, human factor in data security

The need for AI and data protection standardisation, best practices on customer and employee data protection, rules on restricted cross-border data transfers, tips for DPOs, CISOs, IT specialists, and much more in our latest digest. Stay tuned! Sign up to receive our fortnightly digest via email. AI and data protection standardisation The French CNIL elaborates […]

UK Restricted Transfers: Standard data protection clauses by the ICO

As organisations continue to navigate the complexities of data protection laws, staying abreast of key deadlines is paramount. One such deadline relates to organisations involved in restricted transfers of personal data under UK data protection law. The ICO set a critical deadline for organisations that transfer personal data outside the UK. This article explains what you […]

Data protection digest 18 Feb – 2 Mar 2024: web browsing data for sale, banking sector outsourcing, cybersecurity core 2.0

This issue highlights how web browsing data, non-anonymised according to America’s FTC, was sold worldwide in the Avast/Jumpshot case, the EDPB’s new enforcement action on the right of access, cloud outsourcing in the banking sector, the NIST’s new cybersecurity framework for all organisations, and federated learning analysis. Stay tuned! Sign up to receive our fortnightly […]

Data protection digest 3 – 17 Jan 2024: digital services transparency and risk assessment in the focus of regulators

Our latest data protection bulletin focuses on digital services transparency and safety from decentralised clinical trials and health apps to electronic payments and audience measurements. Data transfer impact assessments and the performance of DPOs also feature in this issue. Sign up to receive our fortnightly digest via email. Legal processes Digital Services Act: Online services […]

Data protection digest 18 Dec – 2 Jan 2024: EDPB says too early to revise GDPR, cross-border enforcement challenge ahead

In this issue, you will find the main trends in data privacy that 2024 will inherit from last year. The main areas of concern include GDPR modernisation and cross-border enforcement, the fair use of AI, international data transfers, the balance between data security and the data-driven economy, as well as children’s privacy online. Regulatory updates […]

Data protection digest 2 – 17 Dec 2023: scoring of individuals, EU data consolidation, and the ‘Internet of Behaviours’

In this issue, the EU legislators moved closer to the implementation of a digital data strategy to provide European organisations with the ability to grow and compete globally. Despite the transformative effects, civil societies and cohorts of experts warn that such consolidation of European data can undermine individual data protection rights. EU regulators and courts […]

Data protection digest 31 July – 14 August 2023: privacy laws development, AI evaluations at school, and security of connected devices

In this issue you will find, that China is tightening controls on Generative AI, India is finalising its comprehensive privacy laws, while California is reviewing data privacy practices by connected vehicle manufacturers and related technologies. Legal processes and redress China privacy laws updates: The Chinese Cyberspace Administration has issued administrative measures for personal data compliance […]

Data protection digest 3 – 16 July 2023: can the new EU-US data privacy framework respect the GDPR to the letter?

TechGDPR’s review of international data-related stories from press and analytical reports. EU-US Data Privacy Framework Effective Immediately: On 10 July, the European Commission’s decision on the adequacy of the level of data protection in the US within the new data privacy framework entered into force. If an American-based business is on the approved list, you […]

Data protection digest 17 May – 1 June 2023: amassing data for machine learning is ‘no excuse for breaking the law’

TechGDPR’s review of international data-related stories from press and analytical reports. Legal processes ‘Machine learning is no excuse to break the law’: The US Federal Trade Commission alleged that Amazon, (Alexa voice assistant), kept kids’ data indefinitely to further refine its voice recognition algorithm. If approved by the federal court, on top of a multimillion […]

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