TechGDPR’s review of international data-related stories from press and analytical reports. Legal processes and redress: Facebook data transfer hustle, Amazon fine halted, adequacy for South Korea Despite the CJEU twice declaring that the US does not offer sufficient protection for Europeans’ data from American national security agencies, Facebook, (Meta)’s lawyers continue to disagree, according to […]
The Telecommunications-Telemedia Data Protection Act (TTDSG) is a German law governing the processing of personal data in electronic communications and online services. It complements the GDPR by providing specific rules for cookies and other tracking technologies.
Feel free to reach out to TechGDPR directly to learn more!
The Telecommunications-Telemedia Data Protection Act (TTDSG) is a German law governing the processing of personal data in electronic communications and online services. It complements the GDPR by providing specific rules for cookies and other tracking technologies.
Feel free to reach out to TechGDPR directly to learn more!
Weekly digest Nov 29 – Dec 5, 2021: data volunteerism, cookie deluge, remote clinical trials, starling murmuration & privacy
TechGDPR’s review of international data-related stories from press and analytical reports. Legal processes and redress The EU Commission approved the political agreement reached between the EU Parliament and EU Member States on a European Data Governance Act. Three-way negotiations have now concluded, paving the way for final approval of the legal text. The Data Governance […]