Month: July 2024

Data protection digest 18 Jun – 2 Jul 2024: end-to-end algorithmic audit, DPOs for small business, Vinted fine

In this issue we look at an end-to-end algorithmic audit, Vinted multimillion fine, Meta and Apple AI projects frozen in the EU, the fight against addictive feeds to minors in the US, and the Avanza Bank and Meta Pixel error case. Stay up to date! Sign up to receive our fortnightly digest via email. End-to-end […]

Does Server Location Really Matter Under GDPR? Understanding Data Localization in the Context of Data Protection Compliance

Many organizations wonder, “Does server location really matter under GDPR?”. This question arises from the complex landscape of data protection regulations. There is often a strong emphasis on the importance of the location of user data. However, in the context of the GDPR, data localization is not as important as many people think. Based on […]

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