GDPR training for technology teams is an important endeavour. Though this is not a simple undertaking, there are a number of training options available for your team. After training, employees will become aware of crucial GDPR concepts. The training will help to correct common misunderstandings around these concepts, such as the difference between PII and personal data or legal bases for transfers, and provide key context about the GDPR. Though there are a wide range of training options, all of which will help guide GDPR compliance efforts, there are key differences between the different training methods which must be taken into account. Regular training, which keeps employees up-to-date on developments, will help an organisation work towards GDPR compliance.
What are the benefits of an online GDPR training course?
One of the most convenient methods of providing GDPR training is through the use of an online course. There are a range of benefits to this method as compared to other methods of training, including flexibility, the scope of the course, and portability. TechGDPR offers an online training course which is specifically designed for developers and technically oriented roles, although its contents will be valuable for employees in multiple areas of an organisation. Past users of the course found the information to be both valuable and interesting. In fact, over 90% of those who provided feedback on the course ranked the course as being either “enjoyable” or “very enjoyable.”
Flexibility: One of the main benefits of training employees on GDPR through an online course is the flexibility this method offers. A self-paced online course can fit into any schedule. As a result, employees are able to take the course whenever it is convenient for them. Additionally, participants in the online training course take their time with sections they want more familiarity with. Furthermore, after completing the course, individuals will be able to keep the handouts and resources provided within the course to help guide and refresh their knowledge of the GDPR.
Scope and Focus: Employees whose job functions do not directly relate to managing compliance efforts might not see the benefits of GDPR training. However, a course specifically designed for employees in these capacities, whether they be a software developer or a CTO, will demonstrate to these individuals the importance of considering the GDPR in their operations. The online course works to answer common questions and address misconceptions on the GDPR. The course has seven lessons: Data Protection Overview, Legal Basis & Consent, Design Considerations around Data Subject Rights (DSRs), Data Controllers and Processors, Risks and Measures, Data Transfers, and Emerging Technologies. Some of these sections will be of more specific relevance to technology teams, while others will provide important general information about the GDPR to any user of the course.
Portability: Employees can take an online course anywhere. No matter where your company or employees are located, you can take advantage of the educational resources provided by the course. This is an important consideration for companies with a number of remote employees, who can take the course from wherever they might be located.
Documentation: A further benefit of online training is that it will allow for an organisation to document its compliance efforts. Additionally, upon correctly answering 60% or more of the questions on assessments throughout the training course, users are able to obtain a certificate of completion.
Importantly, the content covered and the depth of information will vary dramatically depending on the chosen method. Аn online course is not as customisable as a live webinar or in-house training. Due to the time required to build and adjust an online course, customisation is only feasible for large-scale deployments.

What are the benefits of in-house training sessions and webinars?
The most effective training method is a live in-house session. There is also the possibility of having a live webinar as a training option for your organisation instead. There are many advantages to choosing a live session for GDPR training. The customizability of the course includes both the content of the training and a Q&A after the session.
Content: Unlike the online course, the webinar can be customised to your specific needs as an organisation. Up to 30% of the training program can be customised to reflect the actual work situations, typical challenges, and operations of your organisation. This will make it easier for employees to retain the knowledge they gain throughout the training as it is immediately applicable on familiar situations. The program will cover the basics of GDPR and common issues related to compliance. After training, employees will be more confident identifying areas of difficulty in adhering to the GDPR.
Duration: Both the in-person session and the webinar session will last between 1,5-2,5 hours. After the live training session there will be time for a Q&A to answer any questions employees may have. Training should take place both annually and as part of the onboarding process for new employees.
Flexibility: Similar to the online course, the webinar allows participants to be located anywhere. This benefits employees who work remotely, or companies with employees located in different time zones. Multiple sessions of in-house training are also possible, so as to make interruption to your daily operations as minimal as possible.
Documentation: The live training sessions also provide documentation of GDPR compliance efforts for organisations.
Regular GDPR training and documentation of this training will keep staff up-to-date as there are new developments in technology and the law. A shared understanding of GDPR requirements across staff will help reduce the possibility of GDPR violations and data breaches. Learn more about TechGDPR’s in-house training options here.