
The Limits of Blockchain Privacy and the GDPR

There are many reasons why people are excited about the possibilities of blockchain technology—from decentralized networks to the removal of middlemen—but the most popular reason is the appeal of privacy. The myth that blockchain is immune to privacy breaches, however, is quickly unraveling. Those who feel protected solely because they’re putting today’s most disruptive form […]

Blocks Ascending: The GDPR Checklist for Any Blockchain Project

The rise of blockchain technology, and its accompanying data-centric enterprises, are starting to impact how technology around the world is regulated. From China cracking down on ICOs, to new data privacy laws in California, to countries attracting entire crypto-economies to their shores, the global data privacy landscape is complex and constantly in flux. Such conditions can tempt startup […]

What the GDPR’s ‘Privacy By Design’ Really Means for Your Business

How, exactly, can privacy be designed? Companies concerned about Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) may or may not have already considered the curious concept of “privacy by design and privacy by default” — but consider it, they must. While it’s hardly the most charming regulatory text ever written, it’s implications are vast, and understanding it properly […]

How Countries are Creating Blockchain Economies

Since the spring, there has been a boom in the number of countries looking to capitalize on the blockchain craze. Around the same time, the European Union issued the General Data Privacy Regulations (GDPR), which would place regulations on blockchain technology. However, GDPR does not perfectly encompass blockchain. Nevertheless, these countries are advocating for blockchain […]

GDPR’s Big Issue with Big Data

Understanding how Big Data is regulated by the EU is no easy task.  Generally speaking, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is having a major impact on an array of different businesses worldwide – Or at least, those in the majority who agree that continuing business within one of the world’s largest economic […]

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