
Personal data and cold calling under the GDPR

A personal data focused analysis of how to practice cold calling in compliance with the GDPR. Cold calling individuals is like throwing a rock in a pond with the hope of catching a fish. Obviously, the success rate is high enough to justify manning the phone with a single person all the way up to […]

Blockchain & DLT under the GDPR explained to the European Commission

Today, I had the opportunity to present the key issues of Blockchain & DLT under the GDPR to a delegation of the European Commission in Berlin. Below is a summarised version of the issues I presented. 1. Is the Opinion 05/2014 by Working Party 29 still valid? Article 29 Working Party issued comprehensive guidance on […]

One year of GDPR: GDPR enforcement and awareness

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force after years of debate and preparation. The European Commission started in January 2012 to set out plans for data protection reform across the European Union in order to make Europe ‘fit for the digital age’. Approved by the European Parliament in April 2016, the legislation came […]

Our first open GDPR Canvas workshop

On Thursday May 16th 2019, TechGDPR hosted it’s first open GDPR Canvas workshop: ‘Starting GDPR compliance with the GDPR Canvas’, for members of Factory Berlin. The GDPR Canvas Workshop is a workshop that is normally delivered within a team or organisation, but for this workshop we wanted to gain experience with the open format with […]

WiFi-Tracking and Retail Analytics under the GDPR

WiFi-tracking is used for many purposes, including producing heat-maps of spaces, counting passers-by and analyzing people movement and visits. This can be extremely useful for businesses to better understand the use of their space and how to optimize this, and it is already in wide use in shopping malls, airports and hotels all around the […]

How to develop Artificial Intelligence that is GDPR-friendly

GDPR coming into effect coincides with the more widespread adoption of artificial intelligence as the technology becomes embedded in more and more enterprise applications. There is a palpable excitement around AI for its potential to revolutionize seemingly every facet of every industry. Studies reveal that 80% of executives believe AI boosts productivity. In the immediate […]

Is total privacy GDPR compliant? Zcash report shows how “Privacy by Design” handling of personal data gets us close.

Last week, Forbes examined the promise of privacy in P4 protocol in the article (“Zcash Out To Prove Privacy Is Key To Crypto Adoption With GDPR-Complying Use Cases” by Darryn Pollock). Pollock’s article included a link to TechGDPR’s Zcash GDPR assessment. In addition to the article in Forbes, ZCash has published its own statement, as […]

The GDPR + Blockchain: Reflecting back and looking ahead

Looking back, 2018 was a year full of important developments, both for privacy and blockchain – the two main areas of TechGDPR’s specialisation. In privacy, the GDPR went into effect, we paid careful attention as the first fines were issued, and the very first guidance on blockchain came out. In blockchain, a lot of guidance […]

The Limits of Blockchain Privacy and the GDPR

There are many reasons why people are excited about the possibilities of blockchain technology—from decentralized networks to the removal of middlemen—but the most popular reason is the appeal of privacy. The myth that blockchain is immune to privacy breaches, however, is quickly unraveling. Those who feel protected solely because they’re putting today’s most disruptive form […]

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