
Misconceptions about the role of a Data Protection Officer (DPO)

For many organisations, the appointment of a DPO has become mandatory. Although Articles 37 to 39 of the GDPR make provisions for the designation, position and tasks of a DPO, somee misconceptions still exist about who needs one, who can be one and what kind of tasks a DPO can undertake. Who is a DPO? […]

Data protection digest 17 May – 1 June 2023: amassing data for machine learning is ‘no excuse for breaking the law’

TechGDPR’s review of international data-related stories from press and analytical reports. Legal processes ‘Machine learning is no excuse to break the law’: The US Federal Trade Commission alleged that Amazon, (Alexa voice assistant), kept kids’ data indefinitely to further refine its voice recognition algorithm. If approved by the federal court, on top of a multimillion […]

Processing children’s data and implementing age assurance mechanisms

It is undeniable that children (individuals under 18) take up a large portion of the online population. With more content being created to specifically target children, a UK study from Ofcom has shown that many start as young as 3 to 4 years old to consume content on video sharing platforms such as Youtube, and […]

Data protection & privacy digest 3 – 16 May 2023: data processing roles and obligations elaborated by EU top court

TechGDPR’s review of international data-related stories from press and analytical reports. Legal redress Pseudonymised (non-personal) data processing: In the instance of SRB v. EDPS, the European General Court ruled that pseudonymised data communicated by one party with another would not be regarded as personal data in the recipient’s hands if that party lacks a legal […]

Data protection & privacy digest 18 Apr – 2 May 2023: draft AI legislation finalised, and employers’ compliance in focus

TechGDPR’s review of international data-related stories from press and analytical reports. Legal processes Draft AI Act: The long-discussed AI legislation is expected to go through the full European parliamentary vote in mid-June. Reportedly MEPs, after two years of discussions with stakeholders, have finally reached a common political position. However, it will take a few years […]

Using ChatGPT with personal data? Think again!

Recently we see more and more posts popping up on LinkedIn and elsewhere on how to optimize sales pipelines and other business processes using ChatGPT or some of its siblings. While the proposition is very tempting, there are huge problems for privacy and the protection of personal data, in particular as required under the GDPR. […]

Data protection & privacy digest 3 – 17 Apr 2023: US data transfers and AI tools occupy EU

TechGDPR’s review of international data-related stories from press and analytical reports. Legal processes and redress US data transfers: A full parliamentary vote on the upcoming EU-US Data Privacy Framework is planned in the coming weeks. So far, a resolution adopted by Civil Liberties Committee MEPs argues that the European Commission should not grant the US […]

Data protection & privacy digest 19 Mar – 2 Apr 2023: court-dismissed fine, cybersecurity tools, ChatGPT clampdown

TechGDPR’s review of international data-related stories from press and analytical reports. Legal processes and redress Court-dismissed fine: A multimillion-euro fine imposed by the Spanish privacy regulator has been overturned by a court decision, according to a publication by Clifford Chance law firm. The AEPD fined Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria 5 million euros in 2020, the […]

Understanding GDPR Compliance in Recruitment

In the process of recruitment and scouting for new potential hires for a vacancy in an organization, the collection and processing of personal data of those candidates is inevitably involved.  Therefore, it is important to understand GDPR compliance. In most cases, the company that posts its vacancy and embarks on the recruitment process will be […]

Data protection & privacy digest 4 – 17 March 2023: position of DPOs, user behavior analysis, creditworthiness and profiling

TechGDPR’s review of international data-related stories from press and analytical reports.   Legal processes and redress DPOs enforcement action: The EDPB launches coordinated enforcement action on the designation and position of data protection officers. DPOs across the EU will be sent questionnaires, with the possibility of further formal investigations and follow-ups. According to the Portuguese data […]

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